Our Reality TV President -2017

I should have started a blog a year ago, with the election of our current President, Donald J. Trump... I knew it was going to be an interesting one to say the least, but I was so, so busy; and it was clear to see that I would not be able to keep up with the antics of this named President.  Plenty to write about, if I could find the time, but I really didn't feel like I had the time.  May not be able to post very often, but will try to be somewhat regular (weekly/ bi-weekly) with posting regarding the possibility of this administration getting us into a war with North Korea, which would no-doubt end up in a "World War." 


General Kelly sparked a “war of words” by calling a Florida Congressman hateful and giving an incorrect account of her comments.  The White House says it is “highly inappropriate to debate a four-star general” – just another limitation being placed on our right free speech; people are slowly being deprived of their to express themselves (monuments of our history being removed, is proof of that).  General David Petraeus says he hopes John Kelly can move forward and remember that we have men and women in uniform, fighting for the right of our citizens to criticize our government.

As for his opinion on whether or not Donald Trump is our president, he refused to answer, deflecting the question by saying it is our duty to accept the fact that this man was elected by “the people” and do what we can to make the best of it, rather than fighting amongst ourselves.  We do, after all, have much bigger things to worry about right now… like the seemingly impending war with North Korea.  Security advisor Finn says our “patience is wearing thin” and we are indeed on the cusp of action.  Military practices are at an all time high for recent history, using some of the most sophisticated planes in the US arsenal.  Petraeus hopes there is still a political opportunity to stop this war, they are warning America “this (war) is possible.”

Petraeus says a lot depends, right now, upon China being able to negotiate with North Korea.  (And I think, quite a bit depends upon Trump, himself and his ability to control his impulsive behavior while he is on his trip to Asia next month.

Our president is being evaluated at this time, by many people, though the end of Isis is “in sight” they say… just in time, because it appears, a new battle looms.  The Sea of Japan is full of ships, aircraft carriers and planes… 3, a record breaking number at one time in our history.  North Korea claims we are trying to start a war; we are claiming we just need to be ready because Kim Jung Un’s ability to hit our country with a nuclear weapon has increased, and his intentions are very clear.  This is the time to be aware.

The vision I had earlier this year freaked me out so much.  Still, I can’t help but think back to it; World War III is Imminent, it seems. Petraeus says we must be ready “if it is.”

It’s my personal feeling that, if our government is telling us this IS a possibility, it is probably more likely than not.  We must gather strength, by focusing our thoughts on the positive, pray (if you do) for the best outcome, whatever that may be and for the courage to endure it.  If we trust that all things happen for the best, we can get through anything.

Believe; Achieve  ~Dennel
