WWIII is Very Possible~!

11-06 (early a.m.):  The Emperor of Japan is speaking right now; Trump is visiting Asia this week.  He says he doesn’t believe Japan and the United States have ever had such a strong bond… he calls him Donald.  He says they support us 100%, even if we have to take military action against North Korea; he says we need to put maximum pressure on North Korea right now to relinquish their nuclear and missile development.  He talked about their dinner together being so enjoyable that the “almost forgot how time flew.”  That’s cute.  President Trump is speaking now; he says it’s been great to be there, thanking the Japanese Emperor for his hospitality.  

11-10-2017: So many things going on in the world right now… Russia, Trump, all of Asia loves him it seems, shootings, riots, confusion over the confederate flag/ civil war, statues and monuments being taken down and removed from public parks (as if we can erase our past by not acknowledging it), and now, I hear there is a petition to get rid of the national anthem because “it’s racist”?  What is going on people?

11-29:  Woke up to the following news this morning:  Eli Manning is benched?  Why?  Not known yet.  Prince Harry has gotten engaged to an American woman, who is half white and half black; in itself, a big deal.  Marriage, to take place at Windsor Castle.  And, it looks like we are going to war, fairly soon, with North Korea; they launched a missile overnight that has been verified by our people over there to have the capability of reaching the ENTIRE United States.  We aren’t going to wait for them to weaponize it and send it our way.  We can’t.  
